Hello and goodbye, third month.
It has been a tough month, and soon I will be granted with more responsibilities.
That was a month with a lot of work, which have somehow messed up my routine and lifestyle a bit. Got no time to think about a meal properly, got home super late occasionally, couldn't hold back my tears of having no time to rest well even on weekends, 'cause they drained all my energy away that I couldn't complete all the tasks neatly, be it at work or at home.
While wiping tears away and continue to stomp through the challenges life throws at me, I am still thankful for being able to come this far. Gratefully hard work paid off, and the result is leading me to a new beginning. I might be tripping over more stones on my next journey, but I know everything worths.
The past weekend was a magical weekend ✨
I joined my first brush lettering workshop conducted by thewhitepaperco.
Jenice the teacher, requested us to prepare a quote beforehand.
No doubt that I googled. But this caught me among millions of quotes online. I have my own definition on this though.
Not only it gives me strength to be different despite the peer pressure around, 'sunflower' also gives me vibes of positivity and reminds me of the virtue of gratitude.
'Positivity' comes from : Sunflowers are always facing the direction where the sun is.
'Gratitude' comes from : While they are always facing the sun, they must be grateful that, the worse condition can happen if there isn't a sun.
That sounds artificial but it ain't artificial. I didn't make them up just to make them fit.
Disclaimer: Well roses aren't bad at all. (I am not discriminating any flower I like roses too)
My first baby step of brush lettering, not the perfect strokes as compared to others, of course.
These past 3 months were definitely months of change for me. But I'm thankful enough that working like a busy bee have anyhow made me started to take learning seriously. Just anything.
The one thing that I realise at my age, and the one thing that I want to remind myself always, is that don't wait, if you want something, act on it ; if you want to learn something, learn it ; If you have an idea, plan and realise it.
Then I went to KOKUYO open day.
Magically I won the 'grand prize' from the mini game ✨
Not something expensive but I felt really happy for it, a magical moment that I want to remember, a little gift that heals my brain and soul from the rough adulting life. And another that I felt happy for, finally I am using my own salary to buy my dad something he wants and likes ❤️. It may not seem to be anything for you, but that means something to me.
The 'grand prize' that I got from gachapon lucky draw after completed mini games. |
And first tote bag bought using my own salary haha. |
Third month full with emotions but not too much thoughts, feel this monthly concluding blogpost contains more crap than ever.
Fourth month ahead, busier month ahead.